Commodities And Market Movement
In the trading arena, there are many methods people try to consider in order to determine the market’s next possible movement. An accurate prediction can help traders gain an advantage by making the right decisions for profit and gains. But predicting the markets can be quite an elusive challenge for many people. One reason is […]
Different Ways Of Handling Losses
In trading and investing, people are bound to experience setbacks along with success. These setbacks come in the way of losses. Every successful trader and investor has experienced losses in one way or another. It is the way they handle such experiences that let them get back on track. There are many ways many people […]
Bad Investor Mistakes
Investing is both an art and a science. It also takes time to learn. Some people start making the most mistakes when they first try their hand at investing. Most start out as bad investors. But over time, some investors pick up some lessons from their mistakes and make sure that they do not repeat […]
Things To Consider Before Investing In the Stock Market
The stock market seems to catch the attention of many first-time investors as a way to make money. They read news of investors cashing in on a great stock pick that netted them a handsome profit and they dream that it can also happen to them someday. But before you go into stock market investing, […]
Investing In Foreign Markets
With the US stock market still reeling from the uncertain economy and where it may be headed, many investors are at a loss on where their next opportunity may come from. While it may be still relatively safe in putting money on the US stock market, there are other potential avenues available for investors that […]
Common Sense Rules For Traders
Trading is a challenging activity. There are certain risks involved. Traders can realize the profits from their trading activities only after knowing how to manage and lessen the risks they might face. While there are technical rules that traders can learn, there are also certain common sense rules to follow that are just as important. […]
Understanding Stop-Loss And Stop-Limit Orders
Savvy traders need to ensure that they always take the ideal position with their stock holdings. If ever they do suffer from losses, experienced traders know how to limit their losses and still come to trade another day. One way to ensure that traders and investors can limit potential losses is by using stop-loss and […]
Understanding Passive Investing
There are many methods and strategies in investing. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. It depends on the investor what type of investing method to use based on his own experience and preference. Among the many strategies available, all can sometimes be summed up into either active or passive investing. For now, we will […]
Common Forex Trading Mistakes
Forex trading is a tough game of chances and risks. Experience is necessary in this type of market. Mistakes are often costly. Unfortunately, many traders still commit such mistakes now and then. It often creates losses if these mistakes turn into a habit. Here are the common trading mistakes many Forex traders make. Making The […]
Understanding Momentum Trading
There are many strategies that people employ when trading stock. All of them aim to provide the most ideal way of trading for the most profits. It all differs on a trader’s preference or risk tolerance. Among the many strategies, momentum trading is considered for traders who wish to profit in the short term. What […]